Bluetooth LE Tracking Progress. I don't trust the numbers
Why I Shutdown My Homelab
A fun hardware project - tracking BLE devices that pass by my window
Progress is a weird thing
Doing hard things to make doing hard things easier
Just a HomeLab Log
Building my Homelab - The Switch Challenge
ZSA Voyager | Part 1
Planning my Homelab
How to start asking the right questions? Ask a couple of questions first
An MTA Train Arrival Sign for the house
A weird addition to authentication - keyboard biometrics?
My Project Plans and Challenges
My experience migrating web-servers
Easiest Laptop Upgrade Featuring the T440p
Old Habits Die Hard
Spamming Google Calendar
A way to revive my PS/2 Model 90?
How does DNS actually update?
Gaining control of any computer with a single line
Is Privacy Power?
Writing my own OS
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