Everything I will say is purely my opinion based on my own experience.

I know the title may be weird but hear me out.

A lot of the things we need to do in life/daily are hard. But not so hard that we cannot start. Some people do have that, and it sucks because they are unable to do the basic nessesities.

But for the others of us who are not burdened by these issues, we can normally get day to day things completed.

However going the extra step and doing somehing more, becaomes the hard thing. Not all extra things are hard.

Doing things that we dont NEED to do, are often the things that are best to spend our time doing (extra work/learning, cleaning, research, exersize, etc).

However I have a theory (that I have heard many times from many places), which is the more hard things you do, the easier they become.

This is not because the task itself becomes easier, but rather the act of starting and performing is less mentally taxing.

The best exampe I could think for this would be cold plunges:

Not to long ago my girlfiend introduced me to a new bathhouse (by the Flatiron), I loved it. But I could not really do the cold plunges, they were just too fucking cold. I just took there with one foot in depating whether I should jump or not, and didn’t.

The next time I went (litterally a week later), I took some friends. One of the friends just instantly got in the cold plunge, so I said fuck it and just jumped in. While the water was still freezing cold, I didnt battle and debate with myself whether I should do it or not, I just did it.

And so 10 other times that day I just did it.

For the last week I have been giving these hard things this perspective, to just do it. The debate in my head is what stops me, so I do it before I can get to it. And soon, I stopped debating.

Now after every shower I do a cold one, yes its cold, but wow is it easier to do.

I am looking foreward to applying this to many other things in my life.